Tuesday, December 29, 2015

4th Grade, Christmas break Homework

Hello everyone,

 hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas break.

This is a reminder of what your homework is.

1. Reading log is due

2. Science current events is due.

3. Your book report on the movie, "Dr. Seuss, how the Grinch Stole Christmas." is due. This has to be four pages included, you personal narrative, your point of view of the movie, the main idea, the audience, and make sure to have the 5 W's in there.

Have a great rest of your holiday. See you all in January.

(Happy New Years to you all)


Mrs. Barratt

Sunday, November 1, 2015

4th grade Spelling Words for 11-1-15 to 11-06-15

1. Epidemic
2. Elementary
3. Disaster
4. Penetrate
5. Staples
6. Romp
7. Feeble
8. Alert
9. Accurate
10. Ancestors
11. Survive
12. Envy
13. Infection
14. Forebears
15. Frolic
16. Warned
17. Begrudge
18. Success
19. Questionable
20. Advanced

Thursday, October 29, 2015

4th Grade Homework 10-29-2015

1. Spelling 16-20 Five times each.
2. Do meaning for 16-20
3. Write words in ABC order 2x Each.
4. Science workbook page 18.

Study for spelling test tomorrow, must know meaning.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

4th Grade Homework. 10-28-2015

1. Do Spelling words 11-15 5x each, do the meaning for 11-15.
2. Do the questions for poem.
3. Science page 53 checkpoint, and science handout.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

4th Grade Homework 10-27

1. Write spelling words 6-10 5x each
2. Do meaning for 6-10
3. Do Science handout
4. Write a summary on what we read in unit 6 from the spelling book

Monday, October 26, 2015

4th Grade Homework 10-26

1. Spelling words (1-5) five times each.
2. Do definitions for 1-5.
3. Science workbook page 16.
4. Language Arts handout. 

4th Grade Spelling words for week 10-26 to 10-30

Know spelling and definitions for words.
1. Blossom
2. Collide
3. Constant
4. Content
5. Distract
6. Drought
7. Foul
8. Noble
9. Policy
10. Quiver
11. Slight
12. Tidy
13. Photosynthesis
14. Chlorophyll
15. Fertilization
16. Continuous
17. Tremble
18. Cleanse
19. Surrender
20. Ancient

Friday, October 23, 2015

4Th Grade Homework 10-23

1. Worksheet
2. Write Spelling Words 5x each
3. Science Textbook Page: 46-51 Do checkpoints on Page 47,49,51

Thursday, October 22, 2015

4th Grade Homework 10-22-15

1. Spelling words 16-20 5x times each.
2. Do 16-20 meaning and write words 1-20 in ABC order.
3. Do handout
4. Science workbook Page 16
5. Reading log due

Spelling test and religion Test Tomorrow

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

4th Grade Homework 10-21

1. Spelling words 11-15 5x each
2. Spelling words 11-15 meaning
3. Language Arts book page 528-529
4. Read your poem that was given to you two weeks ago and answer the questions.
5. Read for 30 minutes.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

4th Homework 10-20-15

1. Vocabulary words 1-10 5x Each. In addition, do meaning for 1-10
2. Science Work Book page 13.
3. Language Arts Handout.
 4. Please read for 30 mins.

4th Grade vocabulary Words 10-20

1 . Antique
2 . Baggage
3 . Digest
4 .Establish
5 . Eternal
6 . Haste
7 . Humid
8 . Lash
9 . Oppose
10 . Pioneer
11 . Sensible
12 . Worthy
13 .Photosynthesis
14. Chlorophyll
15. Sepal
16 . Pistil
17 . Stamen
18 . Ovary
19 . Fertilization
20 . Dormant

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

4th Grade Homework for 10/13

1. Spelling words 1-5 Five times each
2. Spelling words meaning 1-5
3. Vocabulary book page 48 1-12
4. Do reading handout.


4th Grade Homework words for 10/13-10/17

1 . Antique
2 . Baggage
3 . Digest
4 .Establish
5 . Eternal
6 . Haste
7 . Humid
8 . Lash
9 . Oppose
10 . Poineer
11 . Sensible
12 . Worthy
13 .Photosynthesis
14.  Chlorophyll
15. Sepal
16 . Pistil
17 . Stamen
18 . Avary
19 . Fertilization
20 . Dormant

Thursday, October 8, 2015

4th Grade Homework 10-08-15

1. Do vocabulary words 16-20 5x each
2. Do meaning for 16-20
3. Do Words 1-20 in ABC order 2x each
4. Reading log is due Friday.
Study for Spelling and Math Test.

5th Grade Homework 10-08-15

1. Do vocabulary words 16-20 5x each
2. Do meaning for 16-20
3. Do Words 1-20 in ABC order 2x each
4. Science Workbook page 14
5. Reading log is due Friday.
6. Poem is due tomorrow.
Study for Spelling Test.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

4th grade Homework 10-07-15

1. Vocabulary words 11-15 5x each
2. Vocabulary meaning for 11-15
3. Vocabulary book pg 42
4. Religion Handout.
5. Science Page 31-33 Checkpoint on page 31 and 32
6. Poem handout due friday

5th grade Homework 10-07-15

1. Vocabulary words 11-15 5x each
2. Vocabulary meaning for 11-15
3. Vocabulary book pg 42
5. Science Page 39
6. Poem handout due friday

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

1. Vocabulary words 6-10 5x each
2. Vocabulary meaning for 6-10
3. Vocabulary book pg 41 Synonyms 1-6 and antonyms 1-6

Study for Reading Test tomorrow "A visit with grandpa".

5th Grade Homework For 10-06-15

1. Vocabulary words 6-10 5x each
2. Vocabulary meaning for 6-10
3. Vocabulary book pg 41 Synonyms 1-6 and antonyms 1-6
4. Language Arts page 528 and page 529

Monday, October 5, 2015

5th Grade Homework

5th Grade Homework  
1. Aggressive
2. Hazy
3. Associate
4. Linger
5. Deceive
6. Luxurious
7. Emigrate
9. Flexible
10. Overwhelm
11. Glamour
12. Span
13. Membrane
14. Nucleus
15. Cytoplasm
16. Chloroplast
17. Vacuole
18. Tissue
20. Cell wall

Monday   10/05/15
1. Write the meaning for words 1-5
2. Write words 1-5 Five times each 
3. Do vocabulary book pg 40 1-12

Science Test Tomorrow (Do Review)


4th Grade Homework 10/05/2015

4th grade vocabulary 10/05/15-10/10/15

Monday   10/05/15
1. Write the meaning for words 1-5
2.Write words 1-5 Five times each 
Do Vocabulary workbook pg 40 1-12

1. Ambush                                                             
2. Frantic
3. Calculate
4. Initial.
5. Contribute
6. Routine
7. Dread
8. Stun
9. Employ
10. Sturdy
11. Extend.
12. Yield
13. Cell
14. Nucleus
15. Cytoplasm
16. Genus
17. Species
18. Vertebrates
19. invertebrates
20. Unusual

3.Science; Workbook page 8-8A,


Friday, October 2, 2015

4th grade Homework

1. Science read page 26-30 and do workbook page 8 and 8A.
2. Language Arts 77.
3. Spelling test write words wrong 5x each. Have your parents review the spelling test. 

5th grade HomeWork

1. Study for Science Test Tuesday. Re-read Chapter 1. Do the review question.
2. Language arts, page 70-71 G, H, I, J, K.
3. Spelling test write words wrong 5x each. Have your parents review.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

5th grade homework 10/01/2015

1. Write words 16-20 five times each  
2. Write the meaning for words 16-20 
3. Write words in ABC order two times each (study for test)
4.Do language Arts page 68, 69 A,B and C Pratice
5. Do vocabulary book pg12

4th Grade Homework 10/01/2015

1.write words 16-20 five times each  (Study For Spelling Test)
2.Write the meaning for words 16-20 
3. Write words in ABC order 1 time each (study for test)
4.Do language Arts page 76 A,B and C Pratice
5. Vocabulary book page 32

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

5th Grade Homework for Wed 9/30/15

1. Write words 11-15 five times each 
2.Write the meaning for words 11-15
3.Science. Do checkpoint on pg.23-25
4.Do Spelling workbook page 31. 1-6 Synonyms and   Antonyms.

5.  Do Poem Handout. (Be Creative)

6. Grammar Handout.

Vocabulary Words. 9/28/-10/02
1 .Bluff
2 .Monarch
3 .Cautious
4 .Obstacle
5 .Consist
6 .Postpone
7 .Despite
8 .Straggle
9 .Haven
10 .Treacherous
11 .Miniature
12. Vivid
13. Classify
14 .Kingdom
15. Phylum
16. Class
17. Species
18 .Vertebrate
19. invertebrate
20. Dependable


4th Grade Homework for Wed 9/30/15

1.Write words 11-15 five times each 
2.Write the meaning for words 11-15 
3. Do Spelling workbook page 31, 1-6 Synonyms and Antonyms
4.Science. Checkpoint on Pg, 23, and 24

5.Poem Handout. (Be Creative)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Homework for Tuesday 09/29/15 
1. Write words 6-10 five times each 
2. Write the meaning for words 6-10 
3. Do Vocabulary workbook page, 30 1-12 in homework book 
4.Do Religion page 40-41 (study for unit Test tomorrow) 
5.Do language Arts handout PG,74 and 75 A,B and C Pratice

Vocabulary Words for:9/28-10/2

1. Attractive

Monday, September 28, 2015

Good evening all,

I just want to say sorry for the delays with the blog. I am trying my best to put the homework on here from tomorrow. Again I apologize for the inconvenience that this may have
Cause you. For any questions please feel free to email me at Archmanie@icloud.com



Tuesday, June 2, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet
       - Lesson 24-25 TEST 6/8

Science- workbook page 95A
             - CH10 TEST 6/4
Religion- CH17 TEST 6/10

5th Grade:

Science- workbook page 103
              - Ch 10 TEST 6/4

Math- worksheet
        - Lesson 25-26 TEST 6/8

Monday, June 1, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- word problems
Science- workbook page 95
            - CH10 TEST 6/4

5th Grade:

Science- workbook page 102A
            - Ch 10 TEST 6/4

Religion- CH19 TEST 6/2

Friday, May 29, 2015

4th Grade:

Science- workbook page 94A
            - Ch 10 TEST 6/4

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- workbook page 102
             - CH 10 TEST 6/4

Religion- Chapter 19 TEST 6/2
             - Workbook page 228

1) NYS Science Written Test is Monday June 1st

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

4th Grade:

Science-  workbook page 94
             - Ch 10 TEST 6/3
Math- word problems

5th Grade:

Math- sign quiz and do corrections

Science- workbook page 101A
- CH 10 TEST 6/4

Religion- Chapter 19 TEST 6/2

1) Spring show is tomorrow !!!!!  Remember to wear gray sweatpants and sweatshirt with sneakers!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

4th Grade:

Science- Ch 10 TEST 6/3

5th Grade:

Math- word problems

Science- workbook page 101
            - CH 10 TEST 6/14

Religion- Chapter 19 TEST 6/2


1) Science State Test Performance tomorrow 5/27
2) Spring Show Thursday 5/28

Thursday, May 21, 2015

4th Grade:

Math:         1) worksheet
                  2) word problems

Science: Workbook page 92-93

4th Grade:

Math- 4 worksheets
        - Lesson 22 Quiz 5/26

Science- 1 page on looseleaf- write a letter to the president explaining to him why we should take advantage of solar energy. Give reasons and examples!

1) Tomorrow is our walkathon- wear your gym pants and class shirt.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- workbook pg 91

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- workbook page 100A

1) Walkathon is on FRIDAY !!
2) There is no school Monday. Happy Memorial Day!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- sign test and do corrections.

Science- sign quiz and do corrections
            - WB pg 87

5th Grade:

Math- sign test and do corrections.
        - word problem handout

Science- WB pg 100

1) Walkathon is on FRIDAY !!
2) There is no school Monday. Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 15, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet
- Lesson 22,29,30 TEST 5/18

Science- workbook pg86A
             - Ch 9 TEST 5/19

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet
        - Lesson 19-21 TEST 5/18

Science- workbook page 98 and 99

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet
        - Lesson 22,29,30 TEST 5/18

Science- workbook pg85A
             - Ch 9 TEST 5/19

5th Grade:

Science- workbook page 94
Religion- Ch 18 TEST 5/14

Monday, May 11, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

5th Grade:

Science- workbook page 93 and 93A
            - Ch 9 Lesson 4-6 TEST 5/13

Religion- Ch 18 TEST 5/14


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- sign quiz and do corrections

Religion- sign test and do corrections

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- workbook page 91A
             - Chapter 9 Lesson 4-6 TEST 5/13

1) Please send back forms for the Spring Show
2) Practice the song every night =)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

4th Grade:

Science- workbook page 82 & 83

5th Grade:

Science: workbook pg 91

1) Please send back forms for the Spring Show
2) Practice the song every night =)


Monday, May 4, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- word problems

Religion- test tomorrow

5th Grade:

Math- word problems


1) If you are participating in Taco Day tomorrow, students may dress down wearing green or red.
Since there is gym, make sure students have sneakers.

Friday, May 1, 2015

4th Grade

Math- worksheet

Science- sign test and quiz. Corrections are to be done on looseleaf

Religion-  Chapter 16 TEST 5/5

5th Grade:

Math- word probems

Science- sign test and do corrections

Religion- sign test and do corrections

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

4th Grade:

Math -worksheet

Religion- finish classwork - read pgs 190-191 and answer on 1 page of looseleaf "What is a word with peace look like? What can you do that will help us live a world of peace?"
             - Chapter 16 TEST 5/4

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet


Friday, April 24, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- word problems

Religion- Chapter 16 TEST 5/4

Science - workbook pg 76
            - Chapter 8 TEST 4/29

5th Grade:
Math- word problems

Science- workbook page 90A
             - Chapter 9 Lesson 1-3 TEST 4/29

Religion - Ch 17 TEST 4/27


1) Science projects and papers are due April 28th
2) Trip slips are due Monday April 27th

Thursday, April 23, 2015

4th Grade:

Religion- Chapter 16 TEST 5/4

Science - Chapter 8 TEST 4/29

5th Grade:

Science- workbook page 90
            - Chapter 9 Lesson 1-3 TEST 4/29

Religion - Ch 17 TEST 4/27


1) NYS Math Test is Wed-Fri.
- students need to come to school with no.2 pencils and a good eraser
- have a good breakfast
- go to bed early.
-come to school on time

2) Science projects and papers are due April 28th

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

4th Grade:

Math-sign test

Science- sign quiz
            - Chapter 8 TEST 4/29

5th Grade:

Math- sign test and do corrections on looseleaf

Science- workbook page 89A
            - Chapter 9 Lesson 1-3 TEST 4/29

Religion- workbook pg 204
             - Ch 17 TEST 4/27


1) NYS Math Test is Wed-Fri.
- students need to come to school with no.2 pencils and a good eraser
- have a good breakfast
- go to bed early.
-come to school on time

2) Science projects and papers are due April 28th

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- workbook page 74A

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- workbook page 89


1) NYS Math Test is Wed-Fri.
- students need to come to school with no.2 pencils and a good eraser
- have a good breakfast
- go to bed early.
-come to school on time

2) Science projects and papers are due April 28th

Monday, April 20, 2015

4th Grade

Math- word problems

5th Grade

Science- worksheet

Reminders:1) Science projects and reports are due April 28th

Friday, April 17, 2015

4th Grade
Math- Lesson 14-17,19 TEST Monday 4/20

5th Grade:

Math- Lesson 15-18 TEST Monday 4/20

1) Science projects and reports are due April 28th.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

4th GradeMath- Lesson 14-17,19 TEST Monday 4/20
          - worksheet

Science- workbook page 74

5th Grade:

Math- Lesson 15-18 TEST Monday 4/20
       - worksheet

Science- workbook page 88A

1) Science projects and reports are due April 28th.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4th Grade
Math- Lesson 14-17,19 TEST Monday 4/20
         - worksheet

Science- sign quiz

5th Grade:

Math- Lesson 15-18 TEST Monday 4/20

Science- workbook page 85

1) NYS ELA Test is Tues, Wed, and Thurs. - Please make sure your child has plenty of sleep and a good breakfast.
2) Bring in No.2 pencils for the exam.
3) Science projects and reports are due April 28th.

Monday, April 13, 2015

4th Grade

Math-  Lesson 14-17,19 TEST Monday 4/20
         - worksheet

Science  - sign test and do corrections

5th Grade:

Math- Lesson 15-18 TEST Monday 4/20

Science- workbook page 86-87

Reminders:1) NYS ELA Test is Tues, Wed, and Thurs. - Please make sure your child has plenty of sleep and a good breakfast.
2) Bring in No.2 pencils for the exam.
3) Science projects and reports are due April 28th.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Easter Packets are due April 13th!

Have a Happy Easter!!!!


1) Science projects and reports are due April 28th.


Monday, March 30, 2015

Science- study for Chapter 7 test

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- Chapter 8 TEST 4/1
             - Workbook pg 80A-81

1) Tomorrow is our class trip. Students are to be in their gym uniform. Please come with a packed lunch.  We will be eating at the trip site.

2) Wednesday is a 12:00 dismissal. There will be NO afterschool

3) Science projects and reports are due April 28th.


Friday, March 27, 2015

Math- worksheet
Science- workbook page 67 and 67A
            - Chapter 7 TEST 3/31

Religion- Chapter 15 TEST 3/30

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- Chapter 8 TEST 4/1
- Workbook pg 80

Religion- Chapter 16 TEST 3/30

Thursday, March 26, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet
Science- workbook page 66A
            - Chapter 7 TEST 3/31

Religion- Chapter 15 TEST 3/30

5th Grade:

Science- Chapter 8 TEST 4/1
             - Workbook pg 79 and 79A

Religion- Chapter 16 TEST 3/30

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

4th Grade:Math- worksheet
Science- workbook page 66
           - Chapter 7 TEST 3/31

Religion- Chapter 15 TEST 3/30

5th Grade:

Science- Chapter 8 TEST 4/1
             - Workbook pg 78A

Religion- Chapter 16 TEST 3/30


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet
Religion- What is the importance of family? Who is in your family?  1 page on looseleaf

5th Grade:
Science- Chapter 8 TEST 4/1

Religion- create your own Act of Contrition. (must be at least a paragraph) can be in the form of a    poem
           - Chapter 16 TEST 3/30

Reminders:1) 4th and 5th Grade - Science proposals are due TOMORROW
2) 4th and 5th Grade- Recycling poster due TOMORROW

Thursday, March 19, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet
Science- workbook page 77A

1) 4th and 5th Grade - Science proposals are due not later than Wednesday 3/25
2) 4th and 5th Grade- Recycling poster due Wednesday 3/25

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- sign test and do corrections on looseleaf

5th Grade:

Math - worksheet

Science- workbook page 77

Reminders:1) 4th and 5th Grade - Science proposals are due not later than Wednesday 3/25
2) 4th and 5th Grade- Recycling poster due Wednesday 3/25
3) Report Cards are given out tomorrow - 1:00pm-3:00pm or 5:00-7:00.
There is will be a 12:00 dismissal! Afterschool will be provided if needed.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- workbook page 64-65

5th Gracde:

Math- worksheet

1) 4th and 5th Grade - Science proposals are due not later than Wednesday 3/25
2) 4th and 5th Grade- Recycling poster due Wednesday 3/25
3) Report Cards are given out on Thursday - 1:00pm-3:00pm or 5:00-7:00.
There is will be a 12:00 dismissal! Afterschool will be provided if needed.

Monday, March 16, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- finish chapter 5 vocabulary words and definitions in the back of your notebook

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- workbook page 76A

Reminders:1) 4th and 5th Grade - Science proposals are due not later than Wednesday 3/25
2) 4th and 5th Grade- Recycling poster due Wednesday 3/25
3) Report Cards are given out on Thursday - 1:00pm-3:00pm or 5:00-7:00.
There is will be a 12:00 dismissal!
4) If you are participating in our St. Patrick's Day Breakfast, students can dress down wearing white, green or orange.

Friday, March 13, 2015

4th Grade

Math- workbook page 156-157

Science- Chapter 6 TEST Monday

5th Grade

Math- worksheet

Science- workbook page76

Reminders:1) 4th and 5th Grade - Science proposals are due not later than Wednesday 3/25
2) 4th and 5th Grade- Recycling poster due Wednesday 3/25
3) Report Cards are given out on Thursday - 1:00pm-3:00pm or 5:00-7:00. 
                There is will be a 12:00 dismissal!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

4th Grade:

Science- Chapter 6 TEST Monday 3/16
            - Workbook pg 60
5th Grade:

Math- worksheet
        - sign test and do corrections on looseleaf

1) 4th and 5th Grade - Science proposals are due not later than Wednesday 3/25
2) 4th and 5th Grade- Recycling poster due Wednesday 3/25

Monday, March 9, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- Chapter 6 TEST Monday

5th Grade:

Math- Lesson 12-14 TEST Wednesday

Science- sign test and do corrections

1) Italian Club is cancelled for Wednesday 3/11.
2) 4th and 5th Grade - Science proposals are due not later than Wednesday 3/25
3) 4th and 5th Grade- Recycling poster due Wednesday 3/25

Friday, March 6, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- Chapter 6 TEST Thursday

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet
        - Lesson 12-14 TEST Wednesday

Science- workbook page 70


1) 4th and 5th Grade - Science proposals are due not later than Wednesday 3/25
2) 4th and 5th Grade- Recycling poster due Wednesday 3/25

Thursday, March 5, 2015

4th Grade:

Science- workbook page 60

5th Grade:

Math- Lesson 12-14 TEST 3/11

Science- Chapter 7 TEST tomorrow - review your notes!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

4th Grade:

Science- workbook page 59A

5th Grade:

Math- Lesson 12-14 TEST 3/11

Science- workbook page 69 &  69A
           - sign quiz and do corrections on looseleaf

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- workbook page 148-149

Science- sign quiz and do corrections on looseleaf

5th Grade:

Math- Lesson 12 -14 TEST on 3/10
        - sign retest and do corrections

Science- workbook page 68-68A
            - CH 7 TEST is on Friday 3/6

Religion- finish final draft for Lent

Monday, March 2, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- workbook page 147

Religion- finish final draft

5th Grade:

Math- workbook pag 118-119

Science- CH 7 TEST is on Friday 3/6

Thursday, February 26, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- Ch 6 Lesson 1 and 2 Quiz tomorrow!

5th Grade:

Math- workbook page 117

Science- Chapter 7 Lesson 1-2 Quiz tomorrow
            - Chapter 7 TEST Thursday 3/5

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- workbook page 57
            - Ch 6 Lesson 1 and 2 Quiz on Friday 2/27

5th Grade:

Math- sign test and do corrections
         - worksheet

Science- Chapter 7 Lesson 1-2 Quiz on Friday 2/27
            - Chapter 7 TEST Thursday 3/5
            -  worksheet pg 67A


Monday, February 23, 2015

4th Grade:

Science- workbook page 56

Religion- sign test and do corrections on looseleaf

5th Grade:

Math- review your notes for tomorrow's test. (Lesson 10-12)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- workbook page 54-55
            - sign test and do corrections on looseleaf

5th Grade

Math-  sign quiz and do corrections
        - Lesson 10-12 TEST Tuesday 2/24

** 4th and 5th Grade were given their packet that is to be completed over our week off. Packets are due February 23rd. These packets will be counted as quiz grades.  If they are not handed in, they will get a 0! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- Ch 5 TEST tomorrow - review your notes!

Religion- Ch 12 TEST Thursday (2/12)

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet


1) tomorrow is 5th Dress Down Day.  We have gym so make sure they come to school with sneakers.  If they wear boots, please bring sneakers in a bag :)

2) We have a trip on Wednesday to the New York Hall of Science.

3) Friday is our Valentine's Day Dance =)

Friday, February 6, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- workbook page 49 & 49A

             Ch 5 TEST 2/10

Religion- Ch 12 TEST 2/12

5th Grade:
Math- word problems

Have a great weekend =)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- Ch 5 TEST 2/10

Religion- Ch 12 TEST 2/12

5th Grade:

Science- workbook page 64-65

Religion- final draft of your forgiveness poem and paper

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

4th Grade:

Science- workbook 48A

5th Grade:

Science- Chapter 7 Vocabulary words and definitions in the back of your notebook

Religion- acrostic poem
              - 1 Page on "What is forgiveness? How and why should we forive someone?"

Friday, January 30, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- workbook page 48

5th Grade:

Math- worksheet

Science- chapter 6 test is on Monday
            - workbook page 59

Monday, January 26, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheets
        - Lesson 10-13 TEST 1/29

Science- wb page 47A
- Ch 5 Lesson 1 & 2 quiz that was for tomorrow will be the day we come back from the snow storm.

5th Grade:
Math- worksheets

Science- wb pg 57A and 58
             - Ch 6 TEST 1/29

Religion- Ch 12 TEST will be taken the day we  come back from the snow day.


Friday, January 23, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- workbook page 118-119
        - Lesson 10-13 TEST 1/29

Science- wb page 47
            - Ch 5 Lesson 1 & 2 QUIZ 1/27

5th Grade:
Math- worksheet

Science- wb pg 56A & 57
             - Ch 6 TEST 1/29

Religion- Ch 12 TEST 1/27

Thursday, January 22, 2015

4th Grade:

Math- worksheet
        - Lesson 10-13 TEST 1/29

Science- wb page 46A
            - Ch 5 Lesson 1 & 2 QUIZ 1/27

5th Grade:

Science- final draft of pollution due tomorrow
             - Ch 6 TEST 1/29

Religion- wb page 152
              -  Ch 12 TEST 1/27