4th Grade:
Math- worksheets
- Lesson 10-13 TEST 1/29
Science- wb page 47A
- Ch 5 Lesson 1 & 2 quiz that was for tomorrow will be the day we come back from the snow storm.
5th Grade:
Math- worksheets
Science- wb pg 57A and 58
- Ch 6 TEST 1/29
Religion- Ch 12 TEST will be taken the day we come back from the snow day.
Math- worksheets
- Lesson 10-13 TEST 1/29
Science- wb page 47A
- Ch 5 Lesson 1 & 2 quiz that was for tomorrow will be the day we come back from the snow storm.
5th Grade:
Math- worksheets
Science- wb pg 57A and 58
- Ch 6 TEST 1/29
Religion- Ch 12 TEST will be taken the day we come back from the snow day.